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Year 5

Welcome to Year Five!


 It has been so lovely to welcome the children back after the summer break. The children are excited to be back and catch up with each other but we are also very impressed by how they are all raring to go and ready to learn.


Our main theme this term is called “Leaving a Legacy”. This is a largely History based topic and we will be studying the Anglo-Saxons in detail, focusing on their way of life and key events but also how they changed Britain and helped to shape the country it is today. Our Art and DT lessons will also be incorporated into this study, giving the children a really good understanding of all aspect of Anglo-Saxon life and culture.


English Writing and Reading lessons will also be linked to this topic. We will be reading the excellent novel Anglo-Saxon Boy by the author Tony Bradbury in class and our whole class reading sessions will be based upon this book.  We will be basing our writing on the Anglo-Saxon topic and this novel. One of our tasks will be to write a scene from a battle that takes places in the book between the Anglo-Saxons and the invading Normans.  Can you name the battle? We will also be reading the graphic novel version of the Anglo-Saxon story of Beowulf, covering the heroe’s battles with the monster Grendel and Grendel's mother.


Spelling will be taught in short daily sessions working on the key Year 5 spelling objectives as well as first revising key areas from previous years.


Maths will follow the Year Five curriculum as well as extra arithmetic sessions where methods are taught and revised separately with regular assessment.


Science and computing will be taught as separate weekly lessons on Friday. Our first Science topic is Space. We will also be working on space imagery and retrofuturism in Art. In Design and Technology, we will be studying bridges and designing an making our own truss bridges.


Our PE day is Tuesday so send your child to school in full PE kit including trainers on Tuesdays.



There is an expectation that children will read at home daily either with an adult or independently.


Spelling homework will be sent home every Monday as a list of spellings to be tested in school the following week. Please ask if you wish to know how your child has got on with these tests. There will also be a half-termly test of common exception words which we are constantly learning in class.

All children have their login details for TT Rockstars. They should continue to improve their rapid recall of multiplication facts using this. We will be awarding prizes for those who we can see are interacting with TT Rockstars as fast recall of multiplication facts is integral for some of the work we will soon be doing.


Please ensure children come to school each day with a water bottle so they keep hydrated. They are welcome to refill this throughout the day.


We will, as always, work our hardest to ensure that the children have a happy, productive and successful Year 5 which we are sure they will.


Please come to speak to us if you have any queries or concerns or you can email any queries to  These can then be forwarded to us and we can reply/ make a phone call if needed.


Thank you for your support,

Mrs Bailey, Mrs Matsutani, Mrs Cunnington and Mrs Okine.