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Year 4

Autumn Term

Welcome back to Sacred Heart! I hope you all had a relaxing and refreshing holiday, and you are ready for an exciting first term in Year 4. We are all looking forward to the interesting and engaging work we will produce together.

Our main theme this term is Ancient Egyptians! We will be looking at the achievements of the Ancient Egyptians, from the Great Pyramids to Mummification. We will discuss the importance of Egyptian gods and pharaohs in society and how the civilization ended. In English, we will be using the knowledge from our topic lessons and the book “The Ancient Egyptian Sleepover” by Stephen Davies to create incredible pieces of writing in different genres.

In Maths, our topics for this term will be place value, then moving on to addition and subtraction, then measuring area and finishing off with multiplication and division.

In Science, we will be learning all about sound and in RE, we will be on the topic Creation and Covenant.


The children will be given new spellings every Monday, with a spelling test on the Friday. Please make sure your child practices their spellings every day.

Children will be bringing reading books home and it is still really important that the children are reading every day. We will be logging children’s reading in school every Friday. The times tables expectations for Year 4 are that they know all the facts for rapid recall.  This means recall of 5 seconds.  Each child has a log on to TT Rock stars to practice the multiplication and division facts.  Please ensure your child spends 5 to 10 minutes every school day making sure they are increasing their tables fluency.


Our PE day is Wednesday. On these days, we are asking the children to come into school in their full PE kit, including trainers.

Water bottles

Please can all children make sure they have a water bottle with them each day; they are welcome to fill their bottle up throughout the day at school.

The Year Four team will be working hard to ensure the children have a happy, productive and successful term. If you have any questions, please email these to and these will be forwarded to us and we will get back to you.

Thank you for your continued support. We are looking forward to working with you all.

Mr Johnson and the Year 4 team